Tips to Improve Your SEO

Tips to Help Improve Your SEO

1.) Improve page speed

Search giant Google uses page speed as part of its algorithm for returning results. While it’s not the only factor that influences your site rankings, it is a key piece of the puzzle. Google puts it simply: “Speeding up websites is important — not just to site owners, but to all Internet users.”

As a result, faster-loading pages get a boost in search rankings, while slower-loading pages (even if they have similar content) end up lower on the list. Here are six tips to help boost page speed:

Use a content delivery network (CDN)

A CDN helps manage and route website traffic more efficiently by using multiple delivery pipelines, in turn reducing site slowdowns.

Reduce image size

The less your site needs to load, the faster it will be for visitors. By scaling down image sizes or saving them as smaller image formats, you can save space and time.

Remove junk code

If your site has seen consistent or significant updates, chances are you have a fair bit of junk code. Tools such as WP Optimize can help find and eliminate junk code to speed up your site.

Use compression

Compression tools are a great way to reduce the size of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files, which in turn speeds up the loading process of your site.

Minimize page redirects

The more page redirects, the slower your site.

Cache content

Finally, you can make use of browser caching to store data on user browsers (with permission) so they don’t have to load your entire site every time they visit.

2.) Publish relevant and trustworthy content

Just getting your site on the first page isn’t enough — you need content that grabs user attention even in brief meta descriptions and snippets in search results.

Use the right keywords

The right content keywords make a huge difference in SEO. For example, multi-word keywords or those that are too specific can hurt your SEO efforts — instead, use tools like Google AdWords to pinpoint popular search terms.

Consider keyword placement

It’s not just about what keywords you choose, but where you place them. Keywords should be included in your content, in any social posts, and in titles and meta descriptions wherever possible.

Regularly evaluate content

Create a schedule to evaluate your content and make changes as necessary. This is critical for topical content, which quickly loses value over time.

Keep it simple

Don’t get too complicated with your content. Keep it simple, clear and to the point — both visitors and search engine algorithms prefer this approach.

Take feedback into account

If users leave comments on your content, listen to them — especially if you see consistent trends. Using this data lets you tailor content to the preferences of your target audience.

Regularly evaluate current keywords and trends

Keywords and trends keep your content timely and relevant and focused on your target audience. Make use of these six tips to measure current keywords and trends:

3.) Manage your metrics

Successful SEO is all about data. What are users doing? For how long? Why? The more you know, the better equipped you are to keep customers interested. Effectively manage your SEO metrics with these six tips:

  • See where you rank
  • Find out where visitors are coming from
  • Measure organic traffic
  • Check your click-through rate (CTR)
  • Test your readability
  • Keep track of bounce rate

4.) Optimize on-page components

Make use of metadata

Make sure that you fill in all relevant sources of metadata including title, description, keyword, and alt text to provide as much context as possible for users.

Optimize images

Optimize images on your site by reducing their total size, ensuring they’re high-quality, and making sure they load quickly to keep users engaged.

Create a compelling title

Great content doesn’t have the same impact without a great title. Take the time to find titles that include one of your primary keywords and that grab users’ attention.

Streamline site structure

When it comes to websites, think simply. Ask for feedback on your site from both staff and users to discover where it’s easy to navigate and where it needs work.

Deliver human-focused content

While improving SEO performance can help get users to your site, they won’t stay if all you have is optimized images and keyword-laden content that loads quickly. Remember that you’re creating content for humans, and they need to find it interesting to stick around.

Key your keyword density

Keyword stuffing is no longer an effective way to improve SEO, but can still happen over time as pages change and evolve. Take the time to regularly evaluate your keyword density and keep it in balance.

Taking Your SEO to the Next Level

Effective SEO doesn’t happen automatically. Getting search engines to notice your content and return your site as a top search result takes time, effort, and regular evaluation of current processes and their commensurate results.

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