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Facebook Pages: 5 New Features That Have Been Implemented

Facebook Pages have displayed a fresh new look along with 5 new features for businesses and marketers to make use of.

Facebook is rolling out a redesigned layout for Pages along with new features to help create community building and achieve business objectives.

One of the most notable changes to Facebook Page layouts is the emphasis on followers over a number of likes. Users will not be able to see how many likes a page has received, they will see the total number of followers instead.

Another change to Page layouts makes it easier for users to see who is running it. Bios of Page managers are now more accessible on the page.

Those are the main changes for users. Now let’s take a look at the new features for businesses and marketers.

5 New Features for Facebook Pages

Facebook is adding the following new features to Pages:

  • Dedicated News Feed
  • Easy navigation
  • Improved Page management tools
  • Actionable insights
  • Safety and integrity features

1. Dedicated News Feed

For the first time, Page managers can now view a dedicated News Feed which is separate from their personal feed.

To encourage more engagement from Pages, comments from public figures will be bumped to the top of the comments section.

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The News Feed for Pages will also suggest new connections such as other public figures, Pages, and Groups. Suggestions for trending content will be shown in the News Feed as well.

This allows pages to be more visible to a larger, wider audience. Users will be able to follow Pages directly from the comments sections.

2. Easy Account Switching

Facebook is making it easier for admins to navigate between their personal profile and their Page using a switcher.

This feature can be accessed by tapping on the three-line icon on the bottom left of the main navigation bar.

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At the top of the screen you’ll see your personal profile and your page. Tap on one or the other to switch between them.

3. Improved Page Management Tools

Facebook is introducing task-based admin controls to Pages, so that admins have the ability to assign permissions based on specific tasks.

Admins will be able to assign varying levels of access to manage tasks such as Insights, Ads, Content, and Community Activity & Messages.

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4. Actionable Insights

Facebook is bringing more actionable insights to Pages, but there are no actual details on this yet.

A help page states: “Updated insights will help you understand your audience and how your content performs.”

The improvements to Page insights is also said to include more relevant notifications.

5. Safety & Integrity Features

Facebook is improving its ability to detect activity which is not allowed on the platform including hate speech, violent, sexual or spammy content, and impersonation.

As part of this effort Facebook is making the blue verified badges more visible, which will make it easier for users to identify posts and comments from authentic Pages and profiles

These are the 5 new features that are on Facebook Pages that you can take note of for your business. 

Source: Search Engine Journal

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