i-2 Communications Pte Ltd

YouTube Marketing

5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use YouTube Marketing

There are so many social media platforms out there and no doubt YouTube is one of the biggest social media channels to utilise for many marketers. When you think of social media marketing, most businesses will think of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter first but they are forgetting that YouTube is a great tool for your marketing strategies. All of us have watched a video on YouTube before and it is the second biggest social media platform in the world.

Digital Marketing

Transition to Post-COVID: The Shift in the Digital Marketing Landscape

This COVID-19 period has been a real struggle for many businesses as this global pandemic has caused severe economic disruption. With many industry sectors being affected, Singapore’s 2020 GDP growth has been expected to drop from 7% to -4%. The virus has disrupted societies causing many countries to be on lockdown. Singapore was forced into a circuit breaker period where people were asked to stay at home as much as possible, closure of workplaces and schools. This has introduced a new normal for many of us that no one was prepared for.


Setting Up Instagram Shopping for E-commerce: Why Should You Get Started

If you’re planning to start your own e-commerce site, Instagram Shopping is something that is essential to your Instagram marketing strategies. By making use of the features that Instagram has in place, you can maximise your marketing efforts to make your posts shoppable with Instagram Shopping.

With over 500 million active users daily, Instagram is an important social media platform that should not be neglected in your marketing plans. E-commerce is on the rise and if you can make your posts shoppable, your business can start to see more reach and engagements with your customers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

6 Types of Content That You Can Use And Optimise For SEO

As we all know, SEO is more important than ever for digital marketing when everything is going online. The type of content that is being put out plays a huge role in the success of your marketing campaigns. Thus, content marketing is important and understanding what content will work best for each group of customers.

SEO content comes into the picture as content that is optimised allows more people to be able to find your content more easily on search engines. The purpose of having SEO content is to attract more visitors to your website by making great content that they’re looking for.

Digital Marketing

Why Traditional Marketing Is A Thing Of The Past

Traditional marketing (or outbound marketing) is something that we are all familiar with and have been exposed to at one point or another.
These traditional marketing ads are something that we have all seen and come across as print media, broadcasts, direct mail, telephone and outdoor. While traditional marketing ways are still effective to an extent, technology has grown and developed greatly in recent years to enable businesses to connect with their audience like never before.