2022’s Video Email Marketing: How To Include Videos In Emails


Everyone wants to know how to incorporate video into their email marketing because it’s so popular. Why? because video is interesting and fun. Did you know that sending a video email can raise open rates by 6%?

These figures should be strong motivation for every marketer to understand the best practices for using video into email marketing.

Continue reading for some of the top advice and strategies for using email-based video to get fantastic outcomes.

What Are the Benefits of Video Email Marketing for Branding Campaigns?

Include videos in your newsletters and other emails by using video email marketing. By monitoring the likes, shares, views, and comments that your videos receive, you can determine how much engagement there is on your channel. Videos frequently score higher in search engine results than plain text because they attract more attention. This implies that you may use videos to sell your goods and services more effectively, get more visitors to your website, boost social media interaction, and more.

What Sorts of Emails Can Videos Be Embed in?

You can include movies in a variety of communications, including newsletters and instructional emails. You can use videos to advertise events, talk about discounts, introduce new releases, demonstrate tutorials using products from your business, and more. The key objective is to improve conversions; you don’t have to include videos in every email.

Examples of emails where you can include videos are as follows:

  • Emails that introduce brands
  • Newsletters
  • Emails for customer nurturing
  • Educating emails
  • New product introductions
  • Announcements of events

According to a new study, the better your video is, the more individualized it is. To learn what interests your customers and what causes them to subscribe or unsubscribe, use data, analytics, and surveys.

5 Tips for Video Email Marketing

Determine which videos you want to embed

You need to pick what content to show given the various email kinds you might use for your video campaign. The kinds of videos to produce in order to boost CTR and maximize the return on your investment (ROI) from your marketing approach will be determined by this in turn. You can narrow down your options by focusing on the several email formats for video embedding that are described above.

It’s crucial to avoid grouping all of these videos into one email or a series of newsletters because doing so will just confuse readers. It’s not even necessary to include videos in every email. Start with a single email that contains a single video, then monitor traffic and recipient behavior. You may confidently design a campaign with these videos or include the other types if the CTR is strong and the audience is intrigued.

Don’t forget to snap a screenshot that you can utilize in the message’s video thumbnail.

Make sure your video can be shared

Prevent unpleasant scenarios from occurring when your email receivers are unable to see the video attachment. You can’t merely add a link, upload a video, or stream it from YouTube when it comes to email newsletters. It must be uploaded as a file. You must host your video in your company’s services or through your content distribution network in order to accomplish that (CDN). Don’t forget to factor in the price of hosting and streaming from various services!

Also take into account how to email huge files. For instance, Gmail only permits the sharing of files up to 25 MB in size, thus HD films must be used with caution. It could be necessary to utilize a unique converter to adjust the file size in order to send them without issues.

Include a few sentences about your video as another helpful suggestion. Introduce the clip to the audience with a succinct summary that outlines its important elements. If the network has issues or your client’s gadget doesn’t download photographs immediately, this will come in handy. You can still communicate your message if the video doesn’t play.

Don’t forget about your existing clients

Talking about how to attract new clients is one thing, but what about the existing ones? It is simpler to persuade them to make additional purchases from you as they have already demonstrated their willingness to trust your brand once. They are more likely to sign up for a newsletter, follow you on social media, and keep watching your videos since they have already invested in your brand. It’s a fantastic chance to boost revenues from current clients.

The path to encouraging customers to repurchase can occasionally be arduous and difficult. Utilizing analytics, you may identify their interests and entice them back with more interesting material. It might be a video clip on the kinds of products your buyer is interested in, a tutorial, or the introduction of a new product.

Include your own style

Any message gains value when it is personalized. You can create personalized films with company names, watermarks, or CEO names if you only serve a small number of clients. You may establish a strong bond between your brand and individuals who are prepared to invest in it by using personalization.

Personalization, however, is more than just creating a sense of community through email marketing. Utilizing analytics tools is also beneficial. Consider paying attention to viewers who leave your films before the end and enquiring into their motivations. The ability to adjust your business processes and track progress with analytics allows you to go one step further than other products that only allow you to remind recipients to complete watching the video. Regarding receivers, these strategies provide them a sense of exclusivity and value within your organization. Overall, it means more views and clicks in addition to a better interaction with your users.

Here is a selection of the top applications that enable you fast edit your movies. While some of the mentioned web services are free, some require a paid subscription:

Add captions to videos

A crucial but less evident tip. Make sure the deaf and hearing impaired can access your video material. Think about using video editing software when deciding how to add subtitles to your video. Subtitles can be quickly added using YouTube Studio, or you can upload them directly from the program by using a video editor or converter. It’s not always possible to watch films with the sound on, for instance, at the office or on public transportation. For this reason, you need captions. Even when the sound is off, subtitles will make it easier for you to communicate your message.

Wrap up

You can engage with your readers in an interesting and amusing way by including video in your email marketing. You can’t disagree with their effectiveness when 64% of consumers are more inclined to purchase a product online after watching a video.

Put the power of video in email to engage your readers, whether you opt to utilize an animated GIF, a static image link, or some HTML5.

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